DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - ACT FIVE 53. 48 CONTINUED: (2) O'Brien continues to tweak the circuits, checking the readout as he does so. Odo takes a step closer to O'Brien. ODO You didn't cover your tracks very well. Why? O'BRIEN I didn't have time. (a beat) I still don't. O'Brien turns, launching a beautiful right hook. It connects just under Odo's chin, knocking him cold. O'Brien catches him as he falls, lowers him to the floor. O'BRIEN Sorry, Odo. (a beat) Chief O'Brien to Keiko O'Brien. O'Brien keeps moving down the Corridor quickly - there's no time to waste. KEIKO'S COM VOICE This is Keiko. O'BRIEN I'm finished, but we've got to move quickly. (looking at the fallen Odo) This place is going to be swarming with security -- meet me at Runabout Pad "C." Now. KEIKO'S COM VOICE How did you know I'd want a runabout? O'BRIEN Because I know what you're planning to do. But don't worry, I don't give a damn about the Celestial Temple, or your non- corporeal feuds. I just want my wife back. Now you still need me to pilot you to the wormhole so let's stop wasting time. Agreed? A long beat before: KEIKO'S COM VOICE I'll meet you there.