DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - ACT FOUR 44. 40 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I'll take care of those. As Rom, looking very scared, passes the Chief, O'Brien reassures him with a wink. Rom tilts his chin up as he's marched off. O'Brien turns to the open panel. ODO Coming, Chief? O'BRIEN I'd better see what he's been up to here. Odo strides off after his prisoner. O'Brien inspects Rom's work. After a beat, under the guise of examining Rom's tools, he checks the corridor. Odo's gone. O'Brien picks up Rom's laser torch, gets back to work. 41 INT. HOLDING CELLS (OPTICAL) Captain Sisko, standing outside a cell's forcefield, looks in on a disconsolate Rom, sitting on the holding cell bunk with Odo looming over him. Rom hunches his shoulders, tries a smile. Odo glowers back. This "interrogation" is obviously going nowhere. After a long beat of this, Odo EXITS the FORCEFIELD and steps up to Sisko. SISKO Has he said anything? ODO Not much. For the first forty minutes, it was like pulling teeth even getting him to admit his name. SISKO You think he's working alone? ODO I don't know. Rom admits to nothing. And now he's asking for Chief O'Brien. He won't talk to anybody else. SISKO Then get the chief down here. I want to know what's going on. As Sisko EXITS, Odo touches his combadge.