DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - ACT FOUR 41. 36 CONTINUED: (2) Sisko looks at O'Brien intently. SISKO Yes, what? You think it's someone on your staff? The time has come to tell the truth. O'Brien looks around the room. These are his friends. They will understand. He lets out a deep SIGH of relief. He nods his head, but before he can speak -- N.D. CREWMAN'S VOICE Chief O'Brien, I have a call from your daughter. O'Brien, startled, looks to Sisko. Sisko nods understandingly. SISKO Go ahead, Chief. O'Brien gets up and walks over to the monitor on the other end of the room for a bit of privacy. The screen comes to life, depicting O'Brien's quarters, where Molly sits on Keiko's lap, getting dressed for school. Keiko gently brushes the girl's hair. O'BRIEN Molly, honey, what is it? MOLLY Hi, Daddy. Mommy told me I could call you. O'Brien breathes deeply, regaining control. He forces a smile to his face. KEIKO I hope we're not interrupting anything important. O'BRIEN (addressing only Molly) It's all right, Molly. I'm glad you called. What are you doing home?