DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - ACT THREE 33. 28 INT. PROMENADE - OUTSIDE THE INFIRMARY O'Brien EXITS, stops. O'BRIEN Computer. Begin a thirteen hour countdown. Now. COMPUTER VOICE Clock activated. O'Brien heads down the corridor. WORF (O.S.) Chief. O'Brien turns to see WORF approaching. WORF I heard about Mrs. O'Brien's accident. How is she? O'BRIEN Julian says she'll be home soon. WORF That's good. Is there anything I can do to help? O'Brien looks at his friend for a long beat. They go back a long time. O'Brien would like nothing more than to tell Worf everything... to have an ally seems so appealing. But he doesn't dare. O'BRIEN I wish there was, Worf. I really do. (a beat) I've got to go -- I'm falling behind schedule. O'Brien moves down the corridor, away from his friend. 29 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 30 INT. SYSTEMS CORE - CROSSOVER CONDUIT O'Brien is alone, working amidst a forest of BLINKIES and plasma conduits. O'BRIEN Computer, time?