14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 26 INT. INFIRMARY O'Brien sits in a chair, head in his hands. Sisko and Odo stand beside him. Sisko puts an understanding hand on O'Brien's shoulder. ODO You didn't see anyone near her before she fell? O'Brien shakes his head. O'BRIEN Nobody. But I was passing under the walkway and my back was to her. SISKO (curious, not accusatory) What were you doing on the Promenade? The question catches O'Brien off guard. O'BRIEN What? ODO (jumping in) Weren't you supposed to be working on some optronic circuitry on Level Five? O'Brien hesitates a moment before answering. This is dangerous ground -- up to now he hasn't out-and-out lied to anyone. Let alone the captain. O'BRIEN I was going to the Replimat... for lunch. O'Brien is saved from further questioning when Bashir EMERGES from surgery. O'Brien springs to his feet. BASHIR Keiko's going to be all right. She's lucky she landed the way she did. It distributed the impact. A fall from that height could easily have killed her, or left her paralyzed.