DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - ACT TWO 25. 18 CONTINUED: KEIKO (smiles) Another weakness of you corporeal lifeforms: your need for physical intimacy. O'Brien scrambles to his feet, putting on a robe, he stumbles toward the closet for his uniform. Keiko distastefully picks up an errant Bajoran doll, misplaced by Molly. KEIKO (re: Molly's doll) It's especially irritating in your young. O'Brien snatches the doll away. O'BRIEN I've got to get Molly ready for school. KEIKO I'll do it. You have a big day ahead of you. He wheels around, eyes deadly. O'BRIEN Molly's going to sleep at the Davis's tonight, and she's staying there until this is over. KEIKO Do you really think that's wise? (serene threat) A little girl needs her mother. Molly would be lost without hers. She studies O'Brien to see if her message has gotten through. It has -- his face is red with rage. O'BRIEN You keep away from her. KEIKO Miles... I would never do anything to hurt your daughter... (pointed) Unless you force me to. Keiko has his undivided attention. Keiko takes out a PADD and hands it to O'Brien.