DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - ACT TWO 21. 13 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir stops in his tracks. O'Brien looks up at the circle of bewildered faces. O'BRIEN I'm sorry. Sorry, everybody. O'Brien holds his hand behind his back to hide the bleeding. O'BRIEN Excuse me... O'Brien rushes out of the room, to the bedroom. We hold a beat as the guests exchange looks. 14 INT. O'BRIEN'S BEDROOM O'Brien has a small towel wrapped around his wrist to stop the bleeding. Keiko appears behind him. KEIKO (a command) Get a hold of yourself. O'BRIEN I've done what you wanted. Now give me my wife back. Keiko calmly takes out a small first aid device and gently unwraps the towel around O'Brien's hand, taking care of her husband like she's done a thousand times. KEIKO You've done well, Miles. She applies the device to seal up the wound and stop the bleeding. KEIKO But recalibrating the optronic integrator was only a test. I had to be sure I could trust you. (softly) Tomorrow, the real work begins. O'Brien pulls his arm away, speechless. She has him boxed in and he doesn't know what to do about it. KEIKO Now it's time we got back to our guests. We don't want to raise any suspicions, do we?