DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - ACT TWO 19. 12B CONTINUED: (2) DAX I heard you were serving Q'parol. How could I stay away? The perfect host, Keiko leads her into the room and continues graciously handing out drinks. Sisko, who doesn't miss much, inches next to O'Brien. SISKO What's the matter, Chief? You seem preoccupied. Is everything all right? O'Brien looks at the captain. A flash of thoughts: Dare he tell him? Looking over at Keiko, he knows he can't. He also knows he can't just stand there, exchanging pleasantries. The captain's too smart - he'll sense something's deeply wrong... he must get away. O'BRIEN It's nothing. I just forgot to tell Keiko something... would you excuse me for a moment? SISKO Of course. 13 NEW ANGLE to see O'Brien step up to Keiko, talking with Odo and Jake. JAKE Did you meet any Pah-wraiths? KEIKO Pah-wraiths? JAKE In the Fire Caves. Odo was telling me the caves were haunted by some sort of weird supernatural beings. KEIKO (to Odo) Don't tell me you believe in wraiths? ODO (correcting) I may have mentioned the Bajoran legends about creatures living in the caves. But I never said I believed them.