75:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - ACT ONE 14. 8 CONTINUED: (4) O'BRIEN (continuing) I need to recalibrate the optronic integrator on Level Five. Rom's hand shoots up. O'BRIEN What is it, Rom? ROM I volunteer. I like phase- shifting reconfigurations. O'BRIEN Thank you, but I'll do that myself. I want the rest of you to concentrate on the new inertial coupling ports. I want all sixty- four ports completed today. That's a tall order, but nobody is dumb enough to complain. O'BRIEN Whatley -- you and Tekoa cover the docking ring. Abdon and Nori, the cargo bays. Rom -- the upper pylons. Any questions? (a beat) Good. One more thing -- since I'm working alone today, I'm going to be very busy. Try not to interrupt me with anything unimportant. Is that clear? Perfectly. 9 INT. LEVEL FIVE - CRAWLWAY O'Brien is alone by a sealed access panel. This is the optronic integrator. O'Brien prepares to unseal the panel with a high-tech tool (an EJ7 or something like it). He pauses, staring at the panel, torn with conflicting loyalties. After a beat, he again advances the tool toward the seal. He stops again. O'Brien abruptly tosses the tool back in his box. He leans his back against the opposite wall, staring at the sealed panel. He gets an idea.