DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - ACT ONE 11. 6 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR I better go. I left a patient on the operating table. (heading for the door) I'll see you later. KEIKO (re: the plant) Thanks, Julian. This was sweet. Bashir smiles, EXITS. O'Brien drops the pretense. O'BRIEN A party? Tonight? KEIKO It is your birthday. O'BRIEN We can't have all those people here. We'll have to cancel it. KEIKO And raise suspicions? It's better if the dinner goes on as planned. (a smile) Besides, your wife went through a lot of trouble to arrange it. O'Brien knows she has all the cards. He takes a breath. KEIKO You'd better get to work -- you don't want to be late for your shift briefing and I've got a lot of cooking to do. Bristling but controlling himself, O'Brien picks up his PADD and heads for the door.