DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - ACT ONE 10. 6 CONTINUED: (2) KEIKO Miles! Don't be rude. Keiko crosses to Bashir, who extends the plant. Keiko takes it in one hand. Over Keiko's shoulder, Bashir catches O'Brien's gaze. BASHIR (silently mouths) Did you tell her? O'Brien nods stiffly. Keiko looks lovingly at the plant. KEIKO Bajoran spiny basil... how thoughtful! She sets it down, then adjusts it. BASHIR It's the least I can do after... KEIKO It's all right, Julian. I forgive you. (a beat) Now, you are going to make it to the party tonight, aren't you? BASHIR I'll be here. (smiles) I guess it's not a surprise anymore. KEIKO (chagrinned) I can't believe I did that. (to O'Brien) I arranged a birthday dinner for you tonight. But I wanted it to be a surprise. O'BRIEN It's okay. (pointed) I don't like surprises.