DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN So, how were the Fire Caves? KEIKO Fine. And now it's time for me to tell you something. O'Brien's all ears. KEIKO I'm not Keiko. O'BRIEN (thinking she's joking) Then who are you? But Keiko is all business; she speaks calmly, in her own voice. KEIKO Listen carefully, Miles. I've taken possession of your wife's body and I will hold it hostage until you've done everything I tell you to do -- accurately, and without question. O'Brien, still convinced Keiko is toying with him, snuggles up to her. O'BRIEN Everything? KEIKO If you don't do precisely what I ask, I'll kill your wife. The smile disappears from O'Brien's face. He doesn't understand what's going on with his wife, but he's suddenly worried. He takes her hand, slides his fingers down to her pulse, trying to stay casual. O'BRIEN Maybe there's been an outbreak of Rudellian brain fever on Bajor. Let's go down and see Julian, so he can...