DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. .09/12/96 - TEASER 3A. 2 CONTINUED: Keiko is already enjoying a chocolate, her travel bag sitting beside her. The beautiful starfield glitters behind them. O'BRIEN (blurts) It was Julian. He overwatered them. He was trying to be helpful -- but you know how he is, he doesn't always know what he's doing. Outside the port, the wormhole opens. O'BRIEN I'm sorry, sweetheart. We'll get new ones. KEIKO (waves her hand) Forget it, Miles. They're just plants. O'BRIEN (laugh-gasp) Exactly. KEIKO It's not as if something happened to Molly or the baby. O'BRIEN Right. Everyone's just fine. No problems at all. Keiko licks the chocolate truffle from her fingers. KEIKO Good. What about Kira - is she back? O'BRIEN No, she's still with Shaakar traveling around Dahkur Province. I thought you were going to visit them. KEIKO I didn't have a chance.