DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR But I think you're overreacting to the situation. Keiko will forgive you. After all, today's your birthday, right? O'BRIEN (nodding) So far, it's one I'd like to forget. BASHIR And Keiko's been away on Bajor -- she's missed you. Bring her a gift -- what's her favorite chocolate? O'BRIEN Tellurian mint truffles. But I still think you should be there with me. BASHIR You don't need me. You know how to handle your own wife -- I've seen you do it a thousand times. Just say you're sorry and take full responsibility. You'll be fine. (a beat) Besides, I'll be in surgery -- operating. O'Brien doesn't believe him for a second. O'BRIEN On who? BASHIR I'll find somebody. Bashir smiles and EXITS before O'Brien can say another word. After a beat, O'Brien turns to Molly, who picks up her BAJORAN DOLL and silently EXITS into her room, the door CLOSES behind her. HOLD ON O'Brien for a beat. 2 INT. UPPER PYLON (OPTICAL) KEIKO and O'Brien, standing in front of the viewing port, holding an open box of Tellurian mint truffles.