57:[1,#b],140:[1,#b],161:[1,#b],166:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: O'Brien and Bashir exchange a look of doom. O'BRIEN I can't believe it. Keiko's been gone for five days and we've killed her plants. BASHIR She'll understand, won't she? After all, they're just plants. O'BRIEN They're not "just plants" - they're her bonsai trees. O'Brien picks up one of the plants, tries to prop up a sagging branch. It falls off. O'BRIEN She's nurtured them and cared for them, carefully sculpted their growth for... months... years. MOLLY You're in trouble. But O'Brien refuses to let the panic take hold. O'Brien sets the plant down, fixes his daughter with a desperate smile. O'BRIEN Molly, honey, listen... why don't we both go to the airlock and welcome Mommy back together. Then after we've hugged and kissed her, you can explain what happened. MOLLY (shaking her head) Not me. O'Brien looks to Bashir. BASHIR Don't look at me. O'BRIEN You killed her plants. BASHIR We killed them.