13:[5,#b],20:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Assignment" TEASER FADE IN: Al INT. QUARK'S It's early morning and the station is just coming to life. QUARK, behind the bar, is going through his opening rituals as his first customer, MORN, enjoys an enormous and odd-looking breakfast. A few DABO GIRLS, looking lovely, go through their preparations in the background. QUARK You know, Morn -- there's nothing quite as invigorating as breakfast in a bar. Where else can you get raw slug livers first thing in the morning? Morn shakes his head as ROM, with his usual good cheer, ENTERS and plops onto a stool at the bar. This is Rom's routine as well, and Quark has a bowl of gruel prepared for him. ROM What's this? QUARK What do you mean, "what's this?" It's puree of beetle. ROM I didn't order it. QUARK Of course you "didn't order it" -- you don't need to order it. You have it after work every morning. ROM Well, I'm not having it this morning. I'd like two eggs, over easy with three strips of bacon and a side of corned beef hash. Quark stares at his brother with disbelief. QUARK What kind of breakfast is that?