DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 66A. 152 CONTINUED: DULMUR I probably would've done the same thing myself. Lucsly thinks about this for a moment, then seems to agree. He nods to himself thoughtfully and then closes his briefcase. CUT TO: 153 OMITTED 153A INT. OPS Sisko is walking Dulmur and Lucsly to the turbolift. Dax and Kira are at their stations in the b.g. DULMUR You'll be receiving our report in about a month. But based on what you've told us... I don't think you have anything to worry about. SISKO I'm glad to hear it. DULMUR Good-bye, Captain. SISKO Good-bye. Dulmur and Lucsly step into the turbolift. LUCSLY (to lift) Docking Port Seven. The Turbolift GOES DOWN, taking the investigators away. Kira and Dax move over to Sisko, who looks relieved.