DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 63. 136B CONTINUED: (2) A beat, then the tricorder and Tribble DEMATERIALIZE... 137 OMITTED 138 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Tribble and the tricorder hang in space for a beat... then EXPLODE. 139 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Kira lets out a relieved breath... KIRA Kira to Sisko. 140 INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT Sisko has his communicator open. KIRA'S COM VOICE It worked. Sisko and Dax exchange a relieved look. In the background, Kirk is saying -- KIRK'S VOICE - CLIP -- and as captain I want two things done... Sisko and Dax absently toss the Tribbles in their hands away... (Timecode 41:04-41:06) 141 INT. K-7 - STORAGE CORRIDOR - CLIP as a matching Tribble comes out and hits Kirk in the head. KIRK - CLIP First, find Cyrano Jones... A second matching Tribble falls out of the door and Kirk looks up, annoyed. KIRK - CLIP (glancing up) Second, close that door... (Timecode 41:06 - 41:12)