DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 60. 125 EXT. SPACE - STATION K-7 (OPTICAL) The station is slowly turning in space. 126 INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT Sisko and Dax are quickly lowering themselves down into the dark room by a ladder. The grain seen earlier is now completely GONE, eaten by the Tribbles, and the room is a mass of furry creatures. Sisko and Dax gently step down into the pile of Tribbles and begin scanning them with tricorders. SISKO Most of these are dead... (off tricorder) The grain's poisoned... But they don't have time to speculate as to why... DAX (off tricorder) I'm picking up a faint tricobalt signature... the bomb's somewhere under here. They both begin shoving Tribbles aside, trying to get to the bottom of the mound. Suddenly they HEAR the sound of an ELECTRONIC LOCK being worked. SISKO What's that? The sound continues. 127 INT. K-7 - STORAGE CORRIDOR - CLIP Kirk is trying without success to open one of the doors as Spock, BARRIS, LURRY and the Security Guards look on (Timecode 38:19 - 38:22) 128 INT. K-7 - STORAGE COMPARTMENT As before. DAX Someone's trying to open one of the bay doors. They exchange a worried look.