14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FIVE 57. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 113 INT. K-7 BAR O'Brien, Bashir, and Odo are quickly and methodically scanning the Tribbles one by one with their tricorders. There's a sense of urgency to their movements, yet they have to be cautious -- one of these furry creatures could be a bomb. Bashir puts down his Tribble, crosses to camera right and goes o.s. to... 114 THE BAR - CLIP (OPTICAL) As Bashir moves into frame from camera left, stands behind the table in the f.g., picks up a Tribble and scans it. (Timecode 45:48 - 45:53) From o.s., we HEAR the SOUND of an old-style communicator BEEPING. 115 ODO Pulls out his communicator as he quickly scans a Tribble. ODO (to com) Odo here. INTERCUT: 116 INT. ENTERPRISE - TURBOLIFT Sisko and Dax are in the lift, which is not moving. Sisko has his communicator out. SISKO (to com) The bomb's not aboard the Enterprise... It must be over there. ODO We've only been able to get through two decks, we're running out of time. SISKO I can send more teams from the Defiant.