51:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 55. 108 BONES - CLIP (Timecode 32:19 - 32:25) BONES - CLIP The nearest thing I can figure out is they're born pregnant. Which seems to be quite a timesaver. 109 DAX AND SISKO Dax suddenly remembers. DAX Leonard McCoy. I met him when he was a student at Ol' Miss. SISKO (sotto) Who met him -- Curzon? DAX No, my host at the time was Emony. I was on Earth judging a gymnastics competition. (considers) I guess he took my advice. (off Sisko's look) About becoming a doctor - (sly) I told him he had the hands of a surgeon. SISKO I get the picture. (off console) I've scanned every deck -- the bomb's not aboard the ship. DAX Then it must be somewhere on K- Seven... 110 thru OMITTED 111 CUT TO: