DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT FOUR 53. 99 SISKO who supresses a smile. 100 WIDER - CLIP (OPTICAL) As Kirk sits down and looks around the Bridge. He looks directly at the O.s. Dax. (Timecode 31:08 - 31:11) 101 DAX looks back at Kirk, smiles and shrugs. 102 WIDER - CLIP (OPTICAL) 102 As Kirk gets up out of his chair and starts moving to camera right. (Timecode 31:27 - 31:29) 103 DAX finishes her work at the Engineering station, picks up an old-style PADD, and then begins to cross the Bridge toward Sisko. 104 WIDER - CLIP (OPTICAL) 104 Kirk is now standing in front of the Helmsman as Dax walks down the steps behind him and EXITS frame to camera right. (Timecode 31:34 - 31:40) 105 DAX arrives at Sisko's station. DAX (quiet) I re-routed the sensor interface. SISKO (working) It worked. I'm scanning the Bridge... (beat) Nothing up here.