131:[1,#b],162:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 40. 62 CONTINUED: WAITRESS What'll it be, boys? And don't ask for raktajino -- if I have to say we don't have that one more time... ODO (suddenly very interested) Who ordered raktajino? WAITRESS The Klingons. Everyone except Worf looks around the room, mystified. ODO Klingons? WAITRESS Yes. They still don't see any. Worf is getting increasingly uncomfortable. WAITRESS (are you blind?) Right over there. She points to the nearby table Bashir and O'Brien passed earlier. They turn and look with some surprise at the original series-style Klingons, who do not have the typical forehead ridges they're accustomed to seeing. Worf studies his drink as the others turn one and look at him for explanation. BASHIR (to Worf) Those are Klingons? WAITRESS All right. You boys have had enough. The Waitress moves off. ODO Mister Worf... ? Worf looks up with discomfort at the three expectant faces. WORF They are Klingons.