125:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 34. 46 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR - DECK TWELVE The ship is no longer at Red Alert. Sisko is pretending to "work" on another wall panel, while Dax stands on his right scanning for Darvin. Dax turns to camera right as she scans, and then sees something which makes her turn back to Sisko. DAX (sotto) Benjamin... look. Sisko looks up and reacts as... 47 NEW ANGLE - CLIP (OPTICAL) KIRK and SPOCK are walking down the Corridor toward camera. They walk into an intersection just as the intercom WHISTLES for attention. As Kirk moves to the wall to answer the com, the camera dollies back to a wider shot which reveals Sisko and Dax in the b.g. framed between Kirk and Spock. Sisko is standing with his back to the camera, while Dax is standing in profile facing camera left. (Timecode 16:57 - 17:06) CHEKOV'S COM VOICE - CLIP Bridge to Captain Kirk. KIRK - CLIP Kirk here. 48 ON SISKO & DAX As they continue to work. In the b.g. we can hear Kirk talking to Chekov on the com (Timecode 17:07 - 17:23 NOTE: this dialog can be compressed and edited.) SISKO (sotto) Keep working. We're a maintenance crew just doing our job...