DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT THREE 33A. 45B CONTINUED: A moment, and then they realize they have to go inside. BASHIR Hello. O'Brien nods a greeting as they ENTER the Turbolift, and grab the handles. O'BRIEN Deck Ten. The lift starts moving. Watley looks them over for a beat, glances down at Bashir's waist. WATLEY Your flap's open. BASHIR Excuse me? WATLEY On your tricorder. You're draining power. Bashir looks down at his tricorder, and sees that the front flap is indeed open. He hastily closes it. BASHIR Oh. Thank you. O'BRIEN He's always doing that. She looks Bashir over for a moment. WATLEY You're a doctor? BASHIR Yes. WATLEY (beat) I just transferred from the Lexington last week. An awkward beat. O'BRIEN Welcome aboard. She nods her thanks, still looking at Bashir.