DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 26. 39 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (conspiratorial) The job pressure's been getting to him... The Engineer nods sympathetically... BASHIR (sotto) Why don't you take over? More loudly, to O'Brien. BASHIR All right, Ensign. I think I've seen enough, let's get you back to Sickbay. O'Brien glowers at him, but is grateful to get away. O'BRIEN (to Engineer) I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention this to anyone... ENGINEER No problem. Hope you feel better. O'Brien gives him a pained smile and he and Bashir move away... off Bashir's smirk... CUT TO: 40 INT. K-7 BAR Odo is sitting at a different table, looking at something in his hands which are in his lap, below table level. we can hear the same TRILLING as before, and Odo seems strangely soothed by it. He looks up Worf ENTERS, wearing his disguise. Worf sees Odo and goes to him. He glances around the bar for a moment and then leans forward. WORF (quietly) I have completed my search of the primary habitat levels and... Worf trails off as the TRILLING sounds gets his attention. (From his position, he can't see what Odo has.)