DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 25. 39 CONTINUED: Bashir looks down at the device in his hand. BASHIR Yes. Yes, it is. I'm a doctor. The Engineer looks more puzzled than suspicious... ENGINEER Why do we need a doctor to repair a power relay? BASHIR You don't. Obviously. O'Brien is looking at Bashir with the same expression as the Engineer -- just waiting to hear what he's going to say. BASHIR I'm... doing a study. It has to do with... work-related stress. ENGINEER Oh. BASHIR (passing the buck) You two go on, pretend I'm not here. O'Brien shoots him a dirty look. Bashir keeps scanning for Darvin. ENGINEER (re: panel) So, where should we start? O'Brien has no choice but to pretend he knows what he's doing, and do it with confidence. O'BRIEN Well obviously the first thing to do is to take this transtator, here -- He pulls it from its socket -- the LIGHTS DIM and the SOUND of the corridor's POWER systems EBBS... O'BRIEN (replacing it) And leave it right where it is. The LIGHTS COME UP again and the SOUND returns to normal. O'Brien frowns, glares into the panel. The Engineer looks at him uncertainly, then up at Bashir.