40:[1,#b],108:[1,#b],130:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 24. 38 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Keep the scan field below twenty milliwatts -- otherwise you'll set off the internal sensors. BASHIR Yes, thank you, Chief -- I was listening at the mission briefing. Bashir activates the hand-held bio-scanner and it gives off a distinctive SOUND. Suddenly a voice from off- screen -- ENGINEER (O.S.) What are you two doing here? 39 NEW ANGLE to include a fresh-faced young ENGINEER -- lieutenant, junior grade. He's carrying an old-style TRIDENT scanner, and is genuinely surprised to find our working on this particular panel. ENGINEER (continuing) Scotty told me to do this. O'Brien and Bashir have no idea what "this" means, they're going to have to vamp. O'BRIEN Oh -- you were going to do... this? ENGINEER (without suspicion) It's on the duty roster. O'Brien doesn't know what to say. A beat... BASHIR (affably) Must've been a mixup. The Engineer looks at Bashir, finding it odd to see a blue shirt scanning with a tricorder. ENGINEER Isn't that a medical tricorder?