122:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT TWO 20. 27 CONTINUED: SISKO I'll pretend to do repairs, scan for Darvin. Sisko studies the layout of the circuitry, starts making "repairs" -- carefully moving things that he knows won't change the system's function. Dax flips OPEN the top of her tricorder. She smiles, charmed by the old-fashioned device. DAX You know I used to have one of these... ? SISKO (distracted) Mn-hm. She activates the controls and the device gives off a distinctive SOUND EFFECT. Sisko keeps working, his attention on the circuitry. She studies the case... DAX I love these classic twenty-third century designs. The black finish, the silver highlights -- (letting it hang off her shoulder) And it goes with the uniform. Sisko looks up at her... DAX (getting back to scanning) Sorry... Off this moment... 28 EXT. SPACE - STATION K-7 (OPTICAL) spinning slowly...