DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 16. 22 INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER BAY where Odo and Worf, dressed as civilian traders, have joined Sisko, Dax, O'Brien and Bashir. Worf is wearing a turban-like wrap around his head to cover his Klingon forehead ridges. O'Brien is working the transporter console with an N.D. Crewmember as the others look on. O'BRIEN The original Enterprise used an old-style duotronic sensor array. If we wait for just the right point in the scan cycle, we can decloak the Defiant for almost three seconds without being detected. SISKO Is that enough time to transport us aboard? O'BRIEN Barely. Dax crosses over to them with a PADD. DAX Here are the coordinates. The captain and I will start on Deck Four and work our way aft. Chief, you and Julian should go to Deck Twenty-one... O'BRIEN (nodding) And work our way forward. Sisko turns to Odo and Worf, who are studying a PADD of their own. SISKO What about the station? WORF Little of it is habitable. Most of K-7 consists of storage areas and industrial fabrication facilities.