213:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 14. 16 CONTINUED: -- Sisko's hand emerging from a gold sleeve, its cuff displaying the old-style gold stripes of a lieutenant. -- a pair of hands blousing trouser cuffs over a boot... -- Dax twisting her hair up on top of her head... -- a hand tucking a small phaser onto a belt under the back of a blue shirt... -- a hand closing the flip-top on an old TRICORDER... -- O'Brien's hand flipping open an old-style COMMUNICATOR and closing it again... 17 CLOSE - AN OLD-STYLE COMMAND INSIGNIA on a gold uniform. 18 WIDEN to reveal a medium-shot of Sisko standing in front of a mirror in his quarters, checking over his disguise with a critical eye... a beat, then he turns for the door -- 19 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR as Sisko steps out of quarters and sees Bashir stepping out of the quarters across the way. With Bashir, we get our first full-length view of one of our people in old-style uniform... BASHIR Captain. SISKO (fingering his sleeve) Lieutenant, actually. Didn't want to push my luck. O'BRIEN'S VOICE (O.S.) Looks good on you, sir. 20 REVEAL - O'BRIEN coming toward them in engineering red. SISKO Thank you, ensign.