114:[2,#b],191:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 11. NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) to reveal Odo and Worf standing next to a wall monitor, briefing Sisko, Dax, Bashir and O'Brien on what they've learned. Sisko stands at the back, his mind working, trying to piece together the fragmented information his team has unearthed. WORF His real name is Arne Darvin. He is a Klingon altered to look human. Everyone exchanges looks, things just got more complicated. DAX His surgeon does nice work. ODO We're assuming that he came aboard the Defiant for the express purpose of gaining access to the Orb. O'BRIEN Any idea why he brought us back to this point in time? Worf works the controls and a picture of a much younger Darvin appears on the monitor. WORF We have a theory. This is Darvin as he appeared during this time period. At this moment he is aboard space station K-7, posing as a Federation official. BASHIR You're saying he's a spy? ODO (nods) The younger Darvin's mission was to derail Federation colonization efforts by poisoning a shipment of grain which was -- which is being stored aboard the station.