14:[2,#b],70:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Dulmur is eyeing Sisko as Lucsly takes notes on his PADD. DULMUR Be specific, Captain. Which Enterprise? There've been five. LUCSLY Six. SISKO This was the first Enterprise. Constitution class. Dulmur and Lucsly exchange a dark look. DULMUR His ship. LUCSLY James T. Kirk. SISKO (smiles) The one and only. LUCSLY (shaking his head) Seventeen separate temporal violations. The biggest file on record. DULMUR The man was a menace. (pushing on) What was the date of your arrival? SISKO Stardate 4523.7. They both make effortless mental calculations. Neither refers to a PADD. DULMUR A hundred and five years, one month, and twelve days ago.