120:[1,#b],148:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 7. 7 CONTINUED: The crew struggles to focus and make sense of what's going on. DAX I don't know, but we've dropped out of warp. O'BRIEN Sensors are coming back on-line. DAX (off console) Something's very wrong, Benjamin. According to the navigational computer... we're over two hundred light years from our last position. The LIGHTS come UP as the ship DECLOAKS. O'BRIEN We're decloaking! DAX Someone's activated the transporter. SISKO (to Dax) Deactivate it and get us back under cloak. O'BRIEN I'm picking up another ship dead ahead. SISKO Can you identify it? The LIGHTS go DOWN as the ship CLOAKS again. DAX Not yet. But it's close... very close. SISKO Chief, I need that viewscreen. O'BRIEN (working) I think I've got it... 8 ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as the STATIC CLEARS to reveal an astonishing sight... the original Starship Enterprise, so close it almost fills the screen.