DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 6. 6A EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) As the ship CLOAKS. SISKO (V.O.) With the Defiant under cloak we left Cardassian space and managed to avoid being detected by the Klingons. 7 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Dax is at the helm, Sisko is in the Command Chair, O'Brien is at the Engineering station. On the VIEWSCREEN, the stars streak by at warp. The LIGHTS indicate we are cloaked. SISKO (V.O.) We were halfway home, and I was just starting to breath easy. O'BRIEN (to Dax) -- trust me, the next time you see him, just sniff the air and say "is that lilac?" DAX Find somebody else. I have my own ways of torturing Worf. SISKO Don't look at me. Suddenly an ALARM goes off on O'Brien's console. O'BRIEN (off console) I'm picking up a massive surge in chronoton radiation around -- Before he can finish, the Bridge suddenly DISTORTS and we see a strange MULTIPLE IMAGING EFFECT which then WHITES OUT the frame... FADE IN: The Bridge is quiet and everyone is sitting in the same positions seen a moment ago with dazed expressions. It takes them a few seconds to "come back" and get their bearings. The viewscreen has gone to STATIC and the consoles are flickering as if systems were only slowly coming back on. SISKO (dazed) What happened?