80:[1,#b],95:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 5. 6 CONTINUED: DARVIN/WADDLE I'm a merchant. I deal in gemstones, kivas and trillium mostly. (indicates replicator) May I? O'BRIEN Help yourself. Waddle goes to the replicator. DARVIN/WADDLE Do you know what Cardassians drink in the morning? Fish juice. Hot fish juice. (to replicator) Raktajino. We HEAR the sound of the replicator working. He takes the mug out and inhales the aroma. DARVIN/WADDLE After six months, I was hoping the Klingons would invade. At least they know how to make... (re: raktajino) ... coffee, even if they are foul- smelling barbarians. Worf glares at him. DARVIN/WADDLE Sorry. Darvin decides it would be best to move off and take a seat by himself. O'BRIEN Don't take it personally, Worf. BASHIR I rather like the way you smell. O'BRIEN Kind of a... peaty, earthy aroma. BASHIR With just a touch of lilac. Worf won't respond. With a last glance at Darvin, he EXITS, much to Bashir and O'Brien's amusement.