DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: SISKO (V.O.) When the Defiant arrived at Cardassia Prime, we weren't sure if we were dealing with a genuine Orb or one of the fakes that've cropped up over the years. 5 INT. DEFIANT CORRIDOR The Orb, in its protective tabernacle, is being carried down the corridor by two N.D. Bajoran Security Guards. Kira and ODO lead the way into one of the Defiant's quarters. SISKO (V.O.) I had it secured in one of the crew quarters so we could bring it back to Bajor for authentication. 6 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL as WORF brings in a harmless-looking elderly man in somewhat worn looking clothes. In reality, he is ARNE DARVIN, a Klingon surgically altered to appear human. He is posing as a human merchant, and calls himself BARRY WADDLE. SISKO (V.O.) But before we left Cardassia, we took on a passenger. As soon as the old man sees BASHIR and O'BRIEN seated at one of the tables, he rushes to them with joy on his face. DARVIN/WADDLE Humans! I never thought I'd see another normal face again. Bashir and O'Brien look up, a bit confused. WORF This is Mister Waddle. DARVIN/WADDLE Barry, call me Barry. WORF We are taking him back to the Federation. He was trapped on Cardassia when the Klingons attacked.