DEEP SPACE NINE: "Trials and... " - REV. 08/30/96 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: DULMUR Good. LUCSLY We hate those. LUCSLY So. What happened? Sisko draws a breath, launches in. SISKO This may take some time. DULMUR Is that a joke? SISKO No. LUCSLY Good. DULMUR We hate those too. Sisko clears his throat uncomfortably, starts in. SISKO Two weeks ago the Cardassian Government contacted me and said they wanted to return an Orb to the Bajorans. DULMUR (to Lucsly) Orb? LUCSLY They're devices of alien origin that are considered sacred objects by the Bajoran people. SISKO Each has a unique property, like the Orb of Prophecy, or the Orb of Wisdom. The one we received from the Cardassians was the Orb of Time, although we didn't know it at first. 4 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit of Cardassia Prime.