187:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "... Nor the... " - REV. 08/21/96 - ACT FIVE 51. 83 CONTINUED: JAKE (V.O.) (continuing) The battle of Ajilon Prime will probably be remembered as a pointless skirmish, but I'll always remember it as something more -- as the place I learned that the line between courage and cowardice is a lot thinner than most people believe... Sisko finishes, looks up at his son... a moment as they regard each other... JAKE (quiet) So what do you think... ? SISKO Anyone who's been in battle would recognize himself in this... but most of us wouldn't care to admit it. He studies Jake's features, wants him to understand. SISKO It takes courage to look inside yourself... and even more courage to write about it for other people to see. Jake takes in his father's words, and maybe even takes some comfort in them... Sisko can see Jake is still raw from the whole experience, that he needs to be comforted... he pulls him into his arms, holds him close. SISKO I'm proud of you, son... As Sisko holds Jake tight, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END