DEEP SPACE NINE: "... Nor the... " - REV. 08/21/96 - ACT FIVE 50. 79 CONTINUED: (2) As Sisko helps Jake stand, we begin to hear Jake in V.O. JAKE (V.O.) More than anything, I wanted to believe what he was saying... 80 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) as it travels at warp... JAKE (V.O.) (continuing) But the truth is, I was just as scared in that hospital as I'd been when we went for the generator... 81 INT. DEFIANT - QUARTERS Bashir is alone, Jake has given him his PADD to read. JAKE (V.O.) (continuing So scared, that all I could think about was doing whatever it took to stay alive... 82 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. JAKE (V.O) (continuing) Once that meant running away, and once it meant picking up a phaser... 83 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS where Sisko is reading what Jake has written as his son looks on...