DEEP SPACE NINE: "... Nor the... " - REV. 08/21/96 - ACT FOUR 38A. 47A INT. CAVERN - MAIN WARD The place is busy with activity as Nurses and Orderlies move around, tending to patients. Jake wanders in, looking listless. The Nurse moves past with a TRAY of FOOD in her hand, notices him. NURSE (rushed) Jake, take this to the patient in G-four, would you? Jake shrugs a yes. JAKE Sure. He takes the tray from her and she hurries off. 47B NEW ANGLE as Jake approaches the patient, who's in a bed in the corner, facing away from him. JAKE Here you go... As Jake comes around he sees the patient's face and realizes it's the Ensign who shot himself in the foot. Jake wasn't expecting to see him and he's a bit taken off guard. JAKE One of the nurses asked me to bring you this. The Ensign barely acknowledges him, continues staring at the wall. Jake sets the tray down, turns and starts to move off. ENSIGN (still facing the wall) Maybe I'll get a job as a cutter -- could be interesting work. Jake stops, unsure if the Ensign was talking to him. JAKE What's a cutter? ENSIGN You know, on a mining team. They're the guys who split the asteroids up with phasers so the excavators can get at what's inside.