81:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "... Nor the... " - REV. 08/21/96 - ACT FOUR 35B. AA45 CONTINUED: (2) DAX About eight years. SISKO Do me a favor, tell me about it some other time. Right now, all I care about is seeing Jake again. DAX You will -- tomorrow, when we get to Ajilon Prime. Sisko does his best to take reassurance in this, but the truth is she's worried about Jake too. DAX You know, Ben... coffee can never be too hot. Are you sure you got the Replicator buffers synchronized? SISKO (catching on) You want to check for yourself? DAX I think I will. Can I borrow your decoupler? SISKO Get your own. I'm going to go check the sonic shower relays. DAX Good idea. And as they exchange a supportive smile, we... CUT TO: AAA45 EXT. SPACE - AJILON PRIME (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. INT. CAVERN - MAIN WARD Though the lights are DIM, the medical equipment is back on-line and the patients are sleeping quietly. Kirby has the night shift... he's moving between the beds, checking on patients. Jake ENTERS, and when Kirby looks up from what he's doing and sees him, he couldn't be more surprised.