DEEP SPACE NINE: "... Nor the... " - REV. 08/21/96 - ACT THREE 29. 42 CONTINUED: Something in his voice makes Jake respond, he forces himself up to his knees, shakes his head to clear it, then moves to where the medkit lies on the ground... BURKE Hypo... Jake rummages for it, crawls to Burke with it. BURKE Sit me up. Jake takes him by the shoulder, starts to lift him, but a sharp gasp of pain escapes Burke's lips, making Jake stop. He lets go, his hands now bloodied. BURKE Do it. I'm not going to die with my face in the dirt. Jake takes hold, and ignoring Burke's stifled groans of pain, helps get him into a sitting position, his back against the ditch wall. Burke struggles to catch breath, contain the pain. BURKE (getting a grip on himself) Okay... He takes the hypo from Jake, twists a dial, and injects himself. A moment, then the painkiller begins to take effect. His features soften a bit, but it's not enough, he's still in a great deal of pain. BURKE How's your head? JAKE (touching his temple) Hurts. BURKE You're lucky I didn't kill you - thought you were a Klingon. Have you seen any? JAKE What? BURKE (impatient) Klingons -- are there any patrols around?