DEEP SPACE NINE: "... Nor the... " - REV. 08/21/96 - ACT TWO 25. 26 CONTINUED: (3) KIRBY It lets out beyond the perimeter. I'll show you. As Jake and Bashir follow Kirby toward the back exit... 27 EXT. PLANET - CAVE ENTRANCE - DAY (LOCATION) As Jake and Bashir emerge and start off... 27A EXT. PLANETIS SURFACE - DAY (LOCATION) As Jake and Bashir, trotting at a brisk pace, come onto the edge of an open expanse of land, a ridge cresting in the distance. BASHIR We set down just beyond that bridge. JAKE (agreeing) Looks familiar... They continue on until suddenly a series of EXPLOSIONS rip into the ground all around them. Bashir immediately dives to the floor, pulling Jake with him... BASHIR Get down! 28 ON JAKE AND BASHIR hunkered down on the ground as debris from the continuing EXPLOSIONS rains down on them. detonating ahead of them, behind them, and to both sides. BASHIR Stay close... keep your head low. Jake is so terrified he can barely nod... a beat, then Bashir, his head low, starts for a large rock up ahead. Jake follows close behind...