DEEP SPACE NINE: "... Nor the... " - REV. 08/21/96 - ACT TWO 18C. 20B CONTINUED: (3) SISKO That's your choice. (smiles) But you don't know what you're missing. A CHIME at the door. SISKO Yes. The door OPENS and Dax steps in, looking concerned. DAX We just got word -- the Klingons destroyed the Farragut near the Lembatta cluster. ODO What about Ajilon Prime, without reinforcements -- Sisko interrupts, already on the move -- SISKO Dax, you're with me. We'll leave as soon as the Defiant's ready. Off Odo's face as they leave... 21 INT. CAVERN - STAFF BUNK ROOM These are all-purpose accommodations for the medical personnel. There are TABLES and CHAIRS in the center of the room, BUNK BEDS against the walls, and a free- standing REPLICATOR in a corner. Kirby, the Bolian and the Nurse are sitting at one of the tables, SUPERNUMERARIES sit at a second table and Jake, still in his blood-splattered scrubs, is seated at a third, resting his head in his hands. Bashir approaches with two trays of food, sets one down in front of Jake. BASHIR Here you go... JAKE Thanks. BASHIR So how're you holding up?