DEEP SPACE NINE: "... Nor the... " - REV. 08/21/96 - ACT ONE 10A. 8D CONTINUED: Kalandra pushes past Jake to get to the convulsing patient KALANDRA (to Nurse) Give him fifteen mils inoprovaline. 8E ON BASHIR examining a wounded patient on the palette in front of him. JAKE (to Bashir) What should I do? BASHIR (focused on his work) Just try to stay out of the way. Jake moves off -- we go with him, stretchers flying past -- in the background, Kalandra calls to some orderlies across the room. KALANDRA Get this man into surgery! 9 ON JAKE taking in his surroundings... reacting to the chaos around him... He sees a child in a corner, being comforted by her mother. The Bolian Orderly and his partner jostle past him, carrying a badly wounded person on a stretcher between them. BOLIAN (to partner) The artery's severed -- 10 JAKE'S POV as he looks down at the injured victim... BOLIAN (O.S.) His BP's bottomed out.