DEEP SPACE NINE: "... Nor the... - REV. 08/21/96 - TEASER 2. CONTINUED: (2) (NOTE: it's not necessary to allot enough time for Jake to physically write everything indicated in the script. We can assume his notes are shorthand versions of his thoughts.) The following dialog OVERLAPS, though Bashir's words drop into the background so we can hear Jake clearly as he writes. JAKE (V. 0. ) BASHIR If I don't find a way Now get this: a few to get out of doing months ago I was this article, my first running a neural scan writing assignment is and noticed some going to be my last anomalous protein (grasping) readings. I thought Maybe I should just there must be some write to the editors mistake, so I ran an at the Journal and amino acid sequence to tell them they should be sure. But there it find someone else to was again, the prion do the profile of mutation rate had Doctor Bashir. spiked. I couldn't believe it. It meant the anomalous proteins had to have a strong quantum resonance. Jake's interrupted when Bashir asks -- BASHIR Do you follow so far? JAKE Sort of... BASHIR Good. Because they're the key -- the protein anomalies. JAKE (V. 0.) (scribbling) Who cares about anomalies! As he writes, Jake occasionally nods at Bashir as if he's listening intently: