38:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Looking ... " - REV. 08/08/96 - ACT ONE 16. 14 CONTINUED: Worf turns around and his eyes land on Thopok, who is watching Worf with a cool contempt. WORF Or perhaps it is you. Thopok glances at Grilka, and then moves in his seat a little, making a conscious effort to restrain himself. The bloodwine arrives in the b.g., but Worf ignores it. He moves closer to Thopok. Grilka leans over and whispers something to Tumek, who nods understanding. WORF Stand when I speak to you. Thopok smirks. Worf knocks aside a chair and snarls at him. WORF Do you think this is a joke? At this clear challenge, Thopok jumps to his feet, ready to take on Worf, but Tumek's voice freezes him in place. TUMEK Mev'Yap! (Stop!) Tumek stands and moves to Worf. TUMEK (continuing) Worf, Son of Mogh... join me. Both Tumek's dignity and age command Worf's respect. Worf steps away from the confrontation with Thopok and follows Tumek to an area of the room where they can talk more privately. TUMEK (quiet) Challenging Thopok to a fight is a waste of time. Grilka cannot mate with you, now or ever. Your House is dishonored and your name is a curse. That is exactly what Worf was afraid of hearing. He's crestfallen. WORF I... meant no disrespect. TUMEK You showed none. I'm sure your motives were honorable.