13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Looking... " - REV. 08/08/96 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 8 INT. QUARK'S A few minutes later. Quark and Grilka are sitting at her table, while Tumek stands patiently nearby. Thopok is at an adjacent table, watching the crowd warily for any threats and occasionally giving Quark a contemptuous look. Quark is pouring Grilka a drink, and they are obviously at ease with one another. In fact, there are some sparks between these two -- some chemistry that they're both aware of and that they might consider acting on. QUARK Maparian ale... (drops in a mixer) ... with a hint of Pazafer as I recall. GRILKA You remember. I'm honored. QUARK How could I forget? You're the only Klingon I know who drinks something besides bloodwine or prune juice. GRILKA Prune juice? QUARK Forget it. (raises a glass of his own) To the House of Grilka. May it continue to be as strong and proud as its Lady is beautiful. Grilka smiles, touched by the sentiment and they clink glasses. Grilka sips her drink and reacts with pleasure. GRILKA (re: drink) You may not have been the ideal husband... but you are an excellent bartender.