DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FIVE 59. 95 CONTINUED: SISKO Where are your soldiers? KILANA They're dead. They killed themselves. DAX Why? SISKO (figuring it out) Because they allowed a Founder to die. Dax looks to Sisko, who nods. Dax EXITS to check Kilana's story. Kilana looks down at the Founder's remains, clearly devastated. KILANA (accusatory) You should've trusted me. Sisko's anger flares. SISKO How could I? The first thing out of your mouth was a lie -- this isn't your first mission outside the Dominion, is it? KILANA (contrite) I regret saying that.. but my offer was genuine. All that mattered to me was the Founder. SISKO Then you should've told me about him. KILANA You might've killed him or taken him hostage... SISKO No... Kilana studies Sisko closely, realizing he's telling the truth. SISKO All I wanted was the ship.